Category: Sources

  • The Wife Suggested This Article

    I was bouncing ideas off my wife about what the topic of my next blog post.  She interrupted me and said “how about balancing work and personal projects??”  I got the hint right away.  If you look at the chart above, you’ll notice that at the bottom there is a project called “Home Laundry Area”. …

  • Tools to Love and Tools to Kill For

    Killer tools. They’re out there waiting for a user to take hold of them and go berserk on a renovation job.  Drills with more torque than the car you drive; Reciprocating saws that dim all the lights in the house when used. Tools to love Chisels with beechwood handles made in Japan by ancient Samaria…

  • In The Beginning

    I’ve always admired the blog sites of other carpenters, furniture makers and wood workers. Several good links can be found off the Taunton Publishing website. The two magazines that I often read are and Since late 2006 I have switched back to a craft that is rooted in my childhood – Carpentry. It’s…