Author: Thomas

  • More Research on plastic recycling in alberta

    More Research on plastic recycling in alberta

    This post is just a list of businesses that make use of waste plastic. Some may be able to help divert my small amount of plastic waste from recycling computers and other scrap materials. Glass Recycling I have been working on a glass crushing machine to make cullet out of glass bottles and other waste…

  • Fall Streamers

    Fall Streamers

    Nothing to say here. It’s fall, one of the best seasons. No bugs (well, some flies), cool nights and warm days (mostly). I finally got around to installing my own news aggregator on Any suggestions, just send them my way. And a fractal image, of course. (click on image for full size)

  • 2023 Summer Edition – Part 2

    A Few Interesting Websites I read another book in July and August! A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry The story explores the lives of the poor, middle class and the wealthy in India through a group of main characters whose lives intertwine throughout the novel. Not a book full of joy and happy endings,…

  • 2023 Summer Edition – Part 1

    What I’m Reading I bought this book at the Salvation Army Thrift Shop in Huntsville, Ontario when I was there in October 2022. I never got to read it until this year. It is an interesting read, but not a page turner (at least for me). Barack pours out pages of thought on the human…

  • Summer Heat – Is It Caused by Computers?

    It was a little hot last night, so I got up and made a few fractal movies on the computer, not thinking that this would make the house even hotter! The Movie needed a little extra, so I threw it into ShotCut and looked up some music from, I want to thank user “brainmack”…

  • A couple more fractal images

    Here are a couple more images you can have, my dear internet.